Senior School-Years 10, 11 & 12
Our website is soon to be redesigned to reflect significant developments and new directions at Seaton High School. For up-to-date information about Curriculum, please refer to:

The Senior School provides a wide range of courses and pathways to prepare students for success in further study, employment and positive adulthood and citizenship. Virtually all Seaton students graduate to higher education or worthwhile training pathways or work.
Year 10
Students entering Year 10 are young adults who are continuing their education into the Senior School. The Seaton High School community understands the unique challenges that adolescents face at this stage in their lives. Our Year 10 Program will actively support students by assisting them to develop skills and understandings which will equip them to face these challenges.
Students are made aware of and practise meeting the requirements of SACE in Year 10 through the Personal Learning Plan (PLP), a compulsory SACE subject, and the Year 10 Literacy programs. Also students receive assessment plans for subjects studied during Year 10. These plans are modelled on those with which students will need to comply in Stage 1 and 2 SACE.
All students will ultimately enter the workforce and need to develop skills associated with searching for and applying for employment. These skills are developed through work experience and a job round table discussion which are part of the PLP.
Curriculum Overview | |
FULL YEAR | English |
FULL YEAR | Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics or Mathematics 10A |
FULL YEAR | Science |
SEMESTER | Personal Learning Plan (10 Credit SACE unit-must pass with A, B or C) |
SEMESTER | Modern History |
SEMESTER | Health & Physical Activity: Students select one of: Dance, Baseball, Health & Physical Education, Outdoor Education or Fitness |
SEMESTER | Choice |
SEMESTER | Choice |
SEMESTER | Choice |
Throughout the year a range of programs and activities will be offered:-
Health and Safety
Students will participate in various seminars about road safety and personal health issues. Units from the SHineSA Relationships & Sexual Health curriculum will be delivered as part of the PLP program. Students will also undertake a "CBD Passport" where they need to find various locations within the city centre, with the aim of introducing map reading skills and developing a knowledge of resources within the city.
Literacy Assessment
Students will be required to submit four pieces of writing (minimum 250 words), from a range of subjects. Students' literacy is assessed against 6 criteria. Students receive feedback and, if necessary, resubmit by the end of the year in preparation for SACE Stage 1. Students who do not meet the 6 criteria may not be able to progress into Year 11 the following year.
Students will also study under SACE Stage 1 conditions, as all Year 10 subjects will be run along SACE guidelines.
Every student will undertake the PLP (Personal Learning Plan) which is a compulsory part of the SACE, worth 10 credits. Students will have the opportunity to undertake Work Experience and participate in a Round Table discussion. The course will also encourage students to look at their own strengths and areas for improvement in literacy and numeracy.
TAFE Accreditation
Year 10 is the minimum entry requirement for a limited number of courses. Students will have the opportunity to undertake courses, which attract TAFE accreditation.
Year 11
Students at Year 11, officially SACE Stage 1, are confronted by the need to meet the requirements and pattern of study at SACE Stage 1. Students and parents are informed of the requirements through a series of meetings and seminars. Students may choose to do courses which meet these requirements in the usual manner, or may opt for Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, which mix traditional school work with work based education and training.
Seaton High School follows SACE Board guidelines to ensure that all subjects at Stage 1 offer students the maximum chance for success. Students receive assessment plans for each subject so they know the topics, work expectations, due dates, etc. for these subjects. In addition to a range of traditional and contemporary subjects, Year 11 students can choose to become involved in innovative programs with outside agencies, TAFE courses, Traineeships, VET, etc.
When selecting Stage 1 subjects students need to keep in mind their Year 10 results. Students must successfully pass the majority of their Year 10 subjects, and their literacy, to be able to progress into Year 11, ie achieve a grade of "C" or better. If successful grades are not being achieved by course counselling time, subject selection for the following year will be either delayed until term 4 grades are available, or a selection will be made to repeat the current year.
Throughout the year a number of specific activities are run for Year 11 students at various times. These include road safety and driver education programs, career counselling and tertiary information sessions.
FULL YEAR | English | 20 Credits: Must Pass with A, B or C |
FULL YEAR | Maths | 20 Credits: Must Pass with A, B or C |
SEMESTER | Choice Subjects - 8 selections | 80 Credits |
SACE Requirements |
Year 12
Students studying at SACE Stage 2 level, also have a pattern of study and requirements to meet, similar to Stage 1. There is less flexibility in subject syllabuses and the rules set by the SACE Board are more rigid. On top of this the academic year is shorter, resulting in a need for students to be focussed and organised.
Students, parents and teachers often find this year of schooling an intense and stressful time. There are many externally imposed demands and requirements, which need to be met to ensure students' achieve satisfaction and success by the time the year draws to a close. At Year 12, we see study as a partnership between teachers, students and parents who are working together to achieve success. Assistance is provided to students and parents through a diverse variety of avenues and activities throughout the year.
Students are supported in their pursuits through a series of information and skills seminars, plus close supervision and support from homegroup and subject teachers. Most students will have 1 study line or 2 if they are doing a subject off line in semester 1, and if they successfully complete their Research Project in semester 1 they have an additional study line in semester 2. A Senior Study Room, is located in the Eastern building for students to use during this time. A study program is offered to students during the holidays and students are encouraged to seek the specialist support they require at thistime. Revision guides for many subjects can be purchased from the Student Services Area to assist students in prepartion for exams.
As part of a year 12 course students choose 4 lines of subjects plus the Research Project. The subjects chosen are dependent on the pathway that students are choosing post school. When selecting Stage 2 subjects students need to keep in mind their Stage 1 results. Students must successfully pass a subject in Stage 1 to be able to continue with it in Stage 2, ie achieve a grade of "C" or better. If successful grades are not being achieved by course counselling time, subject selection for the following year will be either delayed until Term 4 grades are available, or a selection will be made to repeat the current year. All subject selections are reviewed at the end of the year, based on final results.
University and TAFE entry
TAFE SA recognises the SACE as meeting the entry requirements for most of its courses. It also considers a variety of other qualifications and experiences and selection processes.
Students who complete the SACE are eligble for university entry, provided they meet certain requirements. For university entry, students need to achieve 90 credits in TAS subjects at Stage 2, including four 20-credit Stage 2 subjects plus the 10 credit Research Project subject. The final Stage 2 credits can be gained in a variety of ways defined by the universities. Universities also specify required subjects for some of their courses. (All Year 12 subjects at Seaton High School are TAS).
Full details of university and TAFE entry requirements for 2016 onwards are included in the Tertiary Entrance Booklet 2016, 2017, 2018, published by the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre. Go to the SATAC website for more information
Year 12 Curriculum Overview | ||
Semester | Research Project | 10 Credits: Must Pass,with A, B or C |
Full Year | Choice | 20 Credits: Must Pass with A, B or C |
Full Year | Choice | 20 Credits: Must Pass with A, B or C |
Full Year | Choice | 20 Credits: Must Pass with A, B or C |
Full Year | Choice | 20 Credits |