Seaton has established a reputation as an innovative, dynamic school, constantly developing new approaches and opportunities for students and staff.
Seaton's total enrolment of some 830 students provides a good balance of the benefits of a smaller school, in which each student is known as an individual, and the broad range of curriculum offerings and facilities that a larger school can offer.
Seaton promotes and celebrates students who are positive, who work hard, and who respect themselves, their families and others, and their environment. Seaton emphasises the development of the whole person, recognising the needs of each individual student.
Seaton has high expectations that all students will achieve academic success. Our school promotes active, intellectually challenging learning. Students' achievements are publicly recognised and celebrated.
Seaton has high standards of learning, work, behaviour, uniform and participation. We do not tolerate misbehaviour or harassment; any incidents are met with strong consequences. No student is allowed to interfere with the rights, safety or learning of others.
The school has distinctive Middle School and Senior School Programs. High priority is given to providing year levels with strong, visible leadership, tight management and thorough follow up.
Seaton offers programs and support for students with a wide range of learning abilities, including a special program for students with high intellectual potential (SHIP), and support for students who are experiencing difficulties.
Seaton also offers two very successful Special Classes, which provide pathways toward employment and adult life in partnership with community and vocational organisations.
Seaton's grounds are extensive and beautifully landscaped with trees, lawns and birds. They provide an attractive, shaded, serene environment for students to work in during lessons, and to relax in and relate together during breaks.