Our website is soon to be redesigned to reflect significant developments and new directions at Seaton High School.
For up-to-date information about Curriculum, please refer to: Curriculum Handbook 2022 Information Handbook 2022
The Seaton High School FLO Program targets early school leavers who are at risk of leaving school before the age of 17 years and who may be disengaged and needing support to build a pathway to employment, further education and community life.
The Program provides many different opportunities for young people to be supported as they explore a variety of pathways, build skill levels and competencies and re-engage with the school community.
The Program is housed on campus to enable students to maintain a link with everyday school life. FLO students are valued for their contributions to grounds maintenance, building projects and garden development. The students are also involved in regular camps where they develop independence, resilience and perseverance. The school community members work together to ensure each FLO student continues to grow and flourish beyond the normal class environment.
The FLO students are invited to make good choices about their futures and to take responsibility for their lives. This involves matching their short term achievable goals and long term objectives and them accepting the consequences of these choices.